News La Euskal Encounter es una reunión multitudinaria de aficionados y profesionales de la informática que buscan intercambiar conocimientos y realizar durante varios días todo tipo de actividades relacionadas con la informática. 2018-03-12T15:26:19+00:00 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management Euskal Encounter celebrates its 25th birthday with its most successful edition 2017-07-27T09:55:50+00:00 2017-07-27T09:55:50+00:00 Infotres <p><img src="" /></p><p><strong>Euskal Encounter</strong>, the oldest and biggest computer party in Spain, and one of the fastest in the world, with a connection of 40 Gbps, has celebrated its 25th anniversary with four days of workshops, conferences and competitions regarding a variety of technology related topics such as computer hardware and software, digital art, video games, robotics and virtual reality. The meeting of computer professionals and enthusiasts, which has taken place in Bilbao between the 22 and 25 of July, has gathered 5.024 computers in 50.600 square metres.</p> <p><br />Thousands of visitors have taken part in the dozens of events organized, including 50 conferences and workshops and 200 competitions. Apart from the public attending the event, Euskal Encounter has streamed 30 hours of video game matches gathering an audience of more than 50.000 viewers. Apart from navigating at a very high connection speed, the participants of the computer meeting have moved up to 80 million Gb of information on the Internet.</p> <p><img src="" /></p><p><strong>Euskal Encounter</strong>, the oldest and biggest computer party in Spain, and one of the fastest in the world, with a connection of 40 Gbps, has celebrated its 25th anniversary with four days of workshops, conferences and competitions regarding a variety of technology related topics such as computer hardware and software, digital art, video games, robotics and virtual reality. The meeting of computer professionals and enthusiasts, which has taken place in Bilbao between the 22 and 25 of July, has gathered 5.024 computers in 50.600 square metres.</p> <p><br />Thousands of visitors have taken part in the dozens of events organized, including 50 conferences and workshops and 200 competitions. Apart from the public attending the event, Euskal Encounter has streamed 30 hours of video game matches gathering an audience of more than 50.000 viewers. Apart from navigating at a very high connection speed, the participants of the computer meeting have moved up to 80 million Gb of information on the Internet.</p>